Day nine - eleven

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

After the obligatory stop at Las Vegas, where we explored the strip and the casino's (without a Camera) we were ready to get to the next destination: Death Valley National Park.

But not before having an excellent BLT sandwich at Mel's Diner.

Death Valley Nat. ParkLas VegasDenver

This national park is relatively close to Las Vegas and a popular day-trip destination. The closer you get to the park, the higher the temperature gets. 40-50 degrees Celcius are no exceptions, make sure you have plenty of water and a car with good air conditioning!

It's not really a park where you get out and explore on foot, due to the heat, but it's amazing to drive around in nonetheless.

If you watch carefully you might see cars wrapped in black and white triangles, which are new models of cars that are tested in the valley for their heat endurance.

One of the attractions at the park is a remnant of a 20 Mule Team convoy. These were used to transport Borax through the desert, not a pleasant job in this heat!

From the Twenty Mule Teams we made our way deeper into the valley, just before you drop down to the valley floor you come across amazing Sand Dunes, which would not look out of place in a Star Wars movie.

At some point in the valley you'll be completely cut-off from civilisation. The only thing still working is a crappy AM radio station broacasting Christian music.

After all the driving today we rewarded ourselves with some delicious food.



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