Day Four

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

After yesterday's long journey I took it a bit slower today, leaving the hotel at 11:00 and stopping by my new favourite milk-tea place nearby subway station, which looks amazing!



I took the subway to a stop nearby the Dragon an Tiger Pagodas and walked the rest of the way there, around the lake.

It was nice and warm out, around 29 degrees celcius and the breeze across the lake was very welcoming.

On the lake are several temples along the shore, the first ones being the Dragon an Tiger pagodas.

One temple over down the lake sure were a bunch of turtles chilling on top of eachother near the Wuli Pavilion.

There are many more temples and pavillions down the shore, more than 10 in total. I didn't visit all of them, but instead opted to get a snack and a Yakult-Green-Tea and took a Bus back to the subway station, where I took the subway to Pier 2.

Pier 2 used to be an abandoned port complex, but has been turned into an art center with exhibitions, shops and cafe's.

It's nice to stroll along towards the Ferry to Qijin, also there's a Giant Gundam, I wonder if I have seen them all now.

It was getting late in the day and the sun was starting to set. I took the Ferry to Qijin. An "island" (still connected to the mainland via bridge) on the coast.

On the tip of the island lies Cihou Fort which provides nice views of the city.

It wasn't busy at the fort, a few people enjoying the sunset.

Below the fort is a tunnel through the hill it's located on, which brings you to a pier for more sunset views.

After dark I spent some time relaxing at the beach and made my way back to the area near my hotel for dinner at the night market.

Following along what is called "love river", which included a giant whale made of discarded buckets and other trash.



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