Day Eight

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

I had no real plan for this day, it was a nice Saturday with a lot of sun. I picked a random station and headed there to explore the neighbourhood.

It was near the airport located in the city where you can see planes taking off and landing up close.

During this trip I felt some range missing from my lenses. I have a 12mm lens and a 30mm lens. In theory great for street photography, but to get the framing I wanted I needed to move close and that usually caused people to look at the camera.

Time for a new lens and after a short research session I settled on the Sigma 60mm, which fortunately was sold by a shop near the hotel.

What way to test the lens better than one of the most famous spots in Taiwan, the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall.

There was hardly anyone on the square and the buildings were really well lit.

From the square I walked a random direction through the surrounding neighbourhoods for another couple of hours before calling it a day.



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