Jordan 2021

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

The plan is to travel from the capital, Amman, in the north to the southern deserts of Wadi Rum.

The first few days are spent in Amman from where I plan to go to Jerash to visit ancient Roman ruins and at some point will rent a car to travel down south.

AmmanPetraWadi RumJerash

The choice shouth is to either go on the beautiful Kings Highway that travels through the mountains, or travel further west along the Dead Sea. I'm not sure yet what I'll choose. It's not nessicarily on my bucket list to float in the Dead Sea, but well.. Since I'm in the area.

From the Dead Sea I'll travel to Petra, one of the world wonders and I'm really looking forward to spending a day there.

Finally I'll spend a day in Wadi Rum on a 4x4 jeep tour of the area. This is the place where movies like "The Martian" were filmed.

  1. Day One & Two

    Traveling to Amman

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  2. day-three


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  3. day-four

    Kings Highway

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  4. day-five


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  5. day-six

    Wadi Rum

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