Day Two

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

After a good night's sleep we headed out into Chinatown where we needed to get an HDMI cable so we can watch movies on our Hotel tv. At a random shop in a chinese market the price came down from 35 dollars to 15 within a few seconds after mentioning a couple of dutch foodball clubs.

A couple of meters away from the shop was a wet market that sold all kinds of fish, fruits and meat.

Our next destination of the day was the "Tekka centre", a Hawker centre in Little India. On the way there we came across the "Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple", one of the oldest temples in Singapore.

At the Tekka centre, the best way to get food is to join the longest queue there is, if there's a lot of people waiting for a stall, it must be good. (And it was!)

After exploring Little Inda a bit more, we headed over to Fort Canning Park for some shade.

At this point it was 34 degrees and very humid, even the shade didn't do much. So we took a break and sat down with a nice cold beer next to the river.

Feeling refreshed, we headed to the bay to see the Merlion fountain and the Marina Bay Sands.

It was getting dark, so we headed back to Chinatown to get something to eat at the Hawker centre.

Finally we headed back to the bay for the most underwelming "show" we've ever seen at the Marina Bay Sands.



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