Day Twenty Three

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

After a very short night's sleep, because of the delays yesterday, we headed out to explore Hong Kong.

Hong KongHong Kong22.302711/114.177216

Hong Kong

First stop: Hong Kong Park.

The park offers a great view of Hong Kong and has an Aviary where you can walk around freely.

Hong Kong has a great subway system that is clean, fast and efficient.

In our case it took us to the end of a line, where we took the cable car to Ngong Ping.

The cable car is one of the longest in the world and takes you literally in the clouds.

That was kind of a problem for us, as it was really hard to see the thing we came to see. The giant buddha statue.

Luckily there was more to see then just the statue, also there was beer :)

The rest of the day we just wandered around a bit. Looking for Apple Watches and cheap mobile phones in the various malls.



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