Day Two

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

After sleeping in for a bit, I headed out to a nice coffee joint called.. Coffee Joint. The staff was super friendly and the Club Sandwich is amazing, as is the coffee.

Next up was the Acropolis Museum. You can't bring your bag and while you can bring your camera inside, most of the exhibit on the first floor is off-limits for photography, so I mainly just lugged the camera around for nothing.

The second floor spans around the size of the Acropolis and on the wall is what used to be on the Acropolis itself.

The museum is built on an archeological site and if you have a museum ticket you can take a path on the right in front of the entrance below the museum to see the foundations and sewers of houses built there in the past.

It's pretty neat to see how the sewers were built and how each house "worked".

Across from the museum is a smaller entrance to the Acropolis, on crowded days it's supposed to be less busy. Today, however it wasn't busy at all and there were no queues.

From the secondary entrance, the first thing you'll see is the Theatre of Dionysus. A concert theatre with a capacity of 17.000 people at it's prime.

Walking up the slopes of the Acropolis, you'll see a church that's been built into the side of the mountain.

It's also a dead-end, so I had to back-track to the other side to get higher up the mountain.

The Acropolis was a place where the people of Athens worshipped Athena, the Goddess of War. They did this by commissioning statues of either Athena or themselves to be put on the mountain. In the museum you'll find loads of statues with inscriptions telling who commissioned the statue and for what reason (mostly it seemed to be a first large payment of something such as work).

It's not just statues though, since Athens was a democracy new laws would also be posted on the mountain, and people could put up their own Stele, such as the image above where a priest put up a stele which explains his services.

Next on the trail was the Odeon, a stone Roman theatre built into the slope of the mountain. It was completed in 161 AD.

The Propylaea was the entrance to the Acropolis.

The Parthenon is a former temple, dedicated to the goddess Athena. Later on it has also been used as a Church or Mosque, depending on who occupied Athens at the time

It has been under construction for a long time now.

Note the horse at the end in the photo above.

While up the mountain you have amazing views over Athens, and you can clearly see the places I visited yesterday.

Say hi to the camera man.

The Erechtheion is a temple dedicated to Athena and Poseidon.

And with several laps done on the mountain in a very sunny 32 degrees it was time to get down the mountain and get a cold drink.

After a delicious greek salad as dinner I made a quick lap around Plaka at night. It was 23:00 at this point and I was getting tired of walking all day.



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More in this trip

  1. Day One

  2. Day Two

  3. Day Three