Day Three

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

After getting home around midnight last night I took it a bit easier today and just wandered around the city center, eating good food and drinking nice drinks.

While I was taking photos of the church above, these people were riding by. They stopped at the statue where the driver explained a few things and then moved on. A pretty neat way to view the city,

Where Plaka is nice and neat, Psyri is a bit more rough around the edges. It used to be a pretty shabby neighbourhood, but since the Olympic games in Athens it has been gentrified... mostly.

On my way back to the apartment for a quick afternoon refresh (the sun was out in force and it was 35 degrees Celcius) I came across the Greek Parliament where guards stood besides the tomb of the unknown soldier.

I have to cross the National garden to get to my apartment, a nice place to buy a cold drink and enjoy the shade before heading on.

After a refresh and a delicious Gyros dinner and a few beers I walked a couple of kilometers to Lycabettus Hill, just after sunset. It gives a great view of Athens by dawn.

On top of the hill (that takes about 10-20 minutes to climb) is a church and a restaurant.

The next day my flight was in the evening and I spent the day taking the tram (T5) to the coast to spend the day at the beach.

From there I took a bus to the airport and a flight back to Amsterdam where I was woefully unprepared for the cold Dutch evening weather with just T-shirts in my bag.



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More in this trip

  1. Day One

  2. Day Two

  3. Day Three