Middle East 2023

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

It's been years since our company had a get-together, and we've grown by a few people since.

Now that travel is on the cards again, we're meeting up in Kemer, Türkiye. We have guidelines for travel that ensure there's always someone from our operations team available in case something happens. This means that certain people can't travel on the same day or in the same airplane.

I'm on the operations team, so I had to fly on different dates than my colleagues. I took this as an opportunity and prepended a few days in Israel on my trip.

Tel Aviv-YafoKemer

  1. Delayed

    A 1.5 hour delay on a 2 hour transfer to start the trip!

  2. Missed connection

    A very optimistic name

    Flight got delayed by 3 hours, which is 1 hour longer than the connection time.

    Were now bussed to the other Istambul airport for one of the most shit timed flights ever 0130-0330

  3. Arrived

    Finally arrived in Tel Aviv. Hotel reception isnt open yet so an early 0600 breakfast instead

  4. Falafel time

  5. Day One

    Exploring Tel Aviv

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  6. Lime

    Finally a country where you can ride these. They might be annoying as a local, but for tourists they are a great way to get around.

  7. Hummus

    Best Hummus in a while!

  8. Malabi

    "Milk" pudding (vegan) topped with pomegranate sirop, rosewater, peanut and coconut

  9. Western Wall

  10. Old City

  11. Day Two


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  12. Onwards

    To Turkey

  13. Day Three - Eleven

    Antalya Turkey

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  14. Back