Remote uploads with pre-signed URLs on Scaleway's object storage

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

A while ago Scaleway announced their S3-compatible Object Storage. It implements most, but not all of the S3 API.

In an attempt to de-Amazon my personal stack I tried to migrate my S3 storage to Object Storage, including a little app that lets me upload photos and videos for my blog, which then get resized and transcoded in the required formats.

This endeavour took me a while, because I kept getting Signature errors or other vague responses from the Scaleway endpoints. The tl;dr at the bottom shows the “correct” way to implement this pre-signed URL upload in both the back-end and the front-end.

Pre-sign urls

In order to have direct uploads, where the file gets uploaded directly to Scaleway, instead of to my server which then has to upload it, we need a pre-signed url that my front-end can upload the file to.

I use SvelteKit for my backend, but it should work with any framework.

The nice thing about being S3 compatible is that we can use the official aws-sdk.

The setup looks like this:

import AWS from 'aws-sdk'

const scw = new AWS.S3({
  endpoint: "",
  region: "nl-ams",
  secretAccessKey: ({}).VITE_SCALEWAY_ACCESS_SECRET,
  signatureVersion: "v4",
  params: { Bucket: ({}).VITE_SCALEWAY_BUCKET },

Make sure to set the endpoint, region and signatureVersion to the correct values. In my case the bucket is hosted in Amsterdam.

The ({}).VITE_<value> statements are specific to SvelteKit, replace it with whatever your framework’s way of accessing ENV vars is.

We can then expose a function that generates the pre-signed upload url.

export async function uploadUrl(key, contentType) {
  return scw.getSignedUrl(
      Key: key,
      ACL: "public-read",
      ContentType: contentType

This function requires two parameters, the Key (or path) where the file will be stored and the ContentType. This so Scaleway can serve the content with the correct format. (e.g. image/jpg).


Since we’ll be posting directly to the upload url from our own web-app, we need to setup the correct CORS headers. Otherwise your browser will reject any POST requests to the pre-signed url.

My Scaleway lib exposes a cors() function that calls the Scaleway API and sets the correct headers. You only have to call this function once.

export async function cors() {
  return await scw.putBucketCors({CORSConfiguration: {
    "CORSRules": [
        "AllowedOrigins": ["*"],
        "AllowedHeaders": ["*"],
        "AllowedMethods": ["GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"],

Note that these are not the most specific CORS headers, it’s best to limit the allowed origins to the domain where your web-app is served.


Now that the back-end code is mostly done we have to expose the library to our front-end through an endpoint.

With SvelteKit, it looks like below, but this code should be adapted to whatever your framework requires.

import {
} from '$lib/api/auth'
import { uploadUrl } from '$lib/api/scw'

export async function post(request) {
  if (!isAuthenticated(request)) {
  if (!request.body.path) {
    return invalidRequest({ path: "Path field is requried" })
  const url = await uploadUrl(

  return {
    status: 200,
    body: { url: url }

It could use a bit more error handling, but works for now :)

The front-end

In our front-end we need to create a number of requests for each file we’d like to upload, we need to:

  • Get a Pre-signed URL from the backend

  • Upload the file to this URL

I put this code in a library to not pollute my other front-end code

export async function remoteUpload(key, file) {
	const url = await getPresignedUrl(key, file)
	return await remoteUploadFile(url, file)

// Get pre-signed upload url from backend
async function getPresignedUrl(key, file) {
	const response = await fetch('/api/uploads/presign-url', {
		method: 'POST',
		body: JSON.stringify({
			path: key,
			contentType: file.type
		headers: {
			'Content-Type': 'application/json'
	const presignData = await response.json()
	return presignData.url

// Upload file to external S3-compatible endpoint
async function remoteUploadFile(url, file) {
	const response = await fetch(decodeURI(url), {
		method: 'PUT',
		body: file,
		headers: {
		  'x-amz-acl': 'public-read',
		  'Content-Type': file.type

	return await response.text()

The key thing to mention here is to match the headers for the POST to Scaleway’s Pre-Signed url. If you want to make it publicly available the x-amz-acl header needs to be included here, otherwise you’ll either get Signature mismatch errors or other vague errors.

The final piece is to hook up the upload code to a form, in Svelte it looks something like this:

	import remoteUpload from '$lib/helpers/remoteUpload'
	import Button from '$lib/components/Button.svelte'

	let fileinput
	const onFileSelected = async (e) => {
		for (const file of {
			await remoteUpload(`files/${}`, file)
<div id="uploadForm">
	<div id="form">
			value="Choose file(s)"
			on:click={() =>}
			accept=".jpg, .jpeg, .png, .mp4"
			on:change={(e) => onFileSelected(e)}


In order to upload a publicly readable file to a pre-signed URL with Scaleway you need to make sure the given headers for the pre-signed URL and your fetchrequest in the browser match.

The backend call should look like:

import AWS from 'aws-sdk'

const scw = new AWS.S3({
  endpoint: "",
  region: "nl-ams",
  secretAccessKey: ({}).VITE_SCALEWAY_ACCESS_SECRET,
  signatureVersion: "v4",
  params: { Bucket: ({}).VITE_SCALEWAY_BUCKET },

export async function uploadUrl(key, contentType) {
  return scw.getSignedUrl(
      Key: key,
      ACL: "public-read",
      ContentType: contentType

and the fetch request in the front-end like:

// Upload file to external S3-compatible endpoint
async function remoteUploadFile(url, file) {
	const response = await fetch(decodeURI(url), {
		method: 'PUT',
		body: file,
		headers: {
		  'x-amz-acl': 'public-read',
		  'Content-Type': file.type

	return await response.text()



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