USA 2013

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

A company road-trip along both coasts of the USA, starting at New York City and driving up to Boston. From there we flew to San Fransisco and drove up to Portland, covering both coasts of the USA.

New YorkBostonSan FranciscoPortland

It's time to visit the yearly Ruby converence called Railsconf 2013 again, just like we did the past few years. This time we decided to go big and use the conference as an excuse to explore both coasts of the USA.

We arrived late in the evening in what has become by go-to AirBnb appartment in Hoboken, New Jersey. Time to explore the area and look at the progress of the new World Trade Center.

The next day we hopped onto the PATH and crossed the river into New York. One of the destinations, the famous "Ghost Busters" firehouse.

From there we took the Subway into Brooklyn.

Where we visited the Transit museum, an abandoned Subway station where they showcase old subway cars.

From the transit museum we walked to the riverfront.

And over the bridge back to Manhattan.

After getting a rental car, we drove up to Boston to visit thoughtbot. What was supposed to be a fun visit, quickly deteriorated was we were in Boston right at the time when the manhut for the Boston Marathon Bombers was in full force. We heard sirens everywhere and were told to stay in the hotel.

The next day things had calmed down and we could explore the city center.

The next day we headed to the airport to fly to San Fransisco (I wasn't using the camera as much as I do now back then :))

Colleagues wanted to visit Alcatraz, so we booked tickets and hopped on the boat to the famous island.

The island offers amazing views of the city and the Golden Gate Bridge.

And of course you can't visit Alcatraz without trying to find every scene from The Rock.

One of the most famous highways in the US is Highway One, which traverses the west coast. We traveled along the road from San Fransisco to Portland

We spent most days at the conference, but we also found some time to explore a few Japanese Gardens. It might have been the thing that sparked my interest in Asia over the next few years ;)