Kuala Lumpur 2022

Written by:Matsimitsu(Robert Beekman)MatsimitsuRobert Beekman

Kuala LumpurMalaysia3.1516964/101.69424

Kuala Lumpur

After a week of work in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, it was time to move on. I took a flight to Kuala Lumpur with Vietnam Airlines and after a short, uneventful flight, I arrived at the Hot and Humid capital of Malaysia.

After a few days at work, I ventured out into the neighbourhood of the hotel.

Relatively near the hotel was a market called Pasar Pudu, which is surrounded by some nice places to eat.

The neighbourhood looked grim, but that's mostly because of the combination of concrete and tons of rain.

The market itself was coming to an end, as it was the afternoon.

What I most remembered was the smell... Meat and vegetables plus 35-degree weather is not a good combination for the nose.

I like how you can see the internals of infrastructure in Kuala Lumpur (most of these were just open to touch)

On my way back I crossed the printing neighbourhood. Tons of little shops with one or two printing presses running all day in the sweltering heat.

Scattered throughout Kuala Lumpur, you can see the delivery drivers in their natural habitat. Watching TikTok on their phones while waiting for orders.

Adjacent to this printing neighbourhood are the giant shopping malls, of which there are many in Malaysia. This one even had an indoor Theme Park, complete with a roller coaster.

Any city immediately looks futuristic once it has a monorail.

There's a giant building boom going on in the city center. The contrast between old and new is fascinating.

Going somewhere on street level is a rookie mistake. It's better to use the connected maze of shopping malls to navigate the city. Why bother walking in the heat on small sidewalks, while you have air-conditioned walkways all over town.

On the way I had some Claypot Chicken Rice, which according to the reviews would take about 1-1.5 hours to prepare once you manage to get a table.

Apparently I was there at a time when it was not busy, I had my delicious Claypot Chicken rice mere minutes after sitting down. Great, if not for the fact I had calculated that 1-hour wait into my visit time, so now I had dinner at half past four in the afternoon.

Last time this museum was closed. This time it wasn't so I once again took a long walk to this museum in the middle of no-where.

After a short metro ride to the closest metro station to the museum, I then wandered around the neighbourhood for a few hours first.

The area next to the river is quite pleasant, the trick is to get off the main roads which are always clogged with traffic.

The museum itself was a bit of a let-down, lots of exhibitions where closed and there were tons of school children wandering around, which did not make for a pleasant museum experience.

After freshening up I visited a nearby mall for my last Malaysian dinner.

The next day it was time to head to the dreaded KLIA-2 airport for an Air Asia flight to Chiang Mai.